For our graduating high school class in 2022 there are many important things happening in our life. The tenth most important thing to our class is; Climate Change, our class hears all over the news differing problems and ideas on climate change and we really want to understand more about it and when and how it will effect our generation. The ninth most important thing for us, the transformation of gas cars to electric cars, and when this will take place. Eighth, how the economy will change, for as long as I can remember a lot of our economy has been based on fossil fuels and there has been a lot of controversy, and eventually it seems like America will move away from fossil fuels but will America’s economy look like after this. Seventh, privacy, whenever a group of us are talking about a beach house for spring break for example, vrbo will actually pop up as an ad on our phones. Sixth, discrimination, our generation has seen of these discriminational movements and different people fighting for their rights, and we want to learn more about other cultures and how to stop discrimination.
Getting into the top 5, the fifth most important thing to our class is, Power, we have watched all of these college athletes complain about not getting paid and the NCAA and colleges making so much money off of them, we want to know more about why companies like the NCAA have so much power. Fourth, Social Media, we have seen the media who delivers all of the news to us be so bias on both sides and effect the country so heavily, we want to learn how to know whats true and what is false. Third, we want to understand politics, it has been so controversial and there has been rioting and all of this diversion in our country and we want to understand why this has happens and see both sides of the story. Second, entertainment, our generation has always needed to be entertained and we have fallen in love with movies, sports, and sports players. We look up to these sports players and we want to learn more and more about their lives and what makes them tick. Finally, diseases, we have had to deal with Covid and we want to learn how to further prevent these diseases and how to deal with them better once they occur.